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Our advocacy consultants are here to help our members! By becoming a Convenient Care Plus member and enrolling in our Patient Advocacy services you receive great benefits including:

  • Find the right doctors – We can also find the right hospitals, specialists and other leading providers, anywhere in the country.
  • Schedule appointments – Our experts can expedite appointments, arrange second opinions and transfer medical records.
  • Assist in the transfer of medical records – We’ll also handle the details of transferring X-rays and lab results.
  • Work with insurance companies – Our team works on your behalf to obtain appropriate approvals for needed services.
  • Resolve benefits issues – We’ll do the legwork to resolve insurance claims and billing issues, untangle medical bills and coordinate benefits.
  • Help with eldercare – We can help address senior issues including finding eldercare services, adult day care and more.
  • Get your questions answered – We help you become informed about test results, treatments and medications.
  • Medical bill saver – Skilled negotiators can help lower your out-of-pocket costs on uncovered medical or dental bills over $400.

Received a Surprise Medical Bill?

We’ll negotiate a discount.

Even with the best of intentions, you could receive a large medical or dental bill because you went to an out-of-network provider, or received care you thought was covered by your insurance plan. We can help.

Just send us the bill — we’ll do the rest

  • Send us your medical or dental bill of $400 or more
  • We’ll contact the provider on your behalf to negotiate a discount on the amount due, no matter what your benefit status
  • If an agreement is made, we’ll get the provider’s signoff on the terms and conditions
  • You’ll receive a Savings Result Statement summarizing the outcome and payment terms

Remember… You have unlimited access to a Personal Health Advocate for expert help navigating the healthcare system and resolving a wide range of time-consuming issues. You, your spouse, dependent children, parents and parents-in-law can all take advantage of your Health Advocate benefits!

have questions? contact us today!

855-900-8701 or Email Convenient Care Plus